2001 Summer Activity Pin
Den Reports

Cubby is Packed and Ready to Travel!

Scouts should remember to stop at the Sing-In table and sign in before each Pack Meeting. Cubby is loaded with goodies and ready to go!  He goes home with the highest percentage attendance of Scouts in proper uniform at the Pack Meeting.  Announcement of the winning Den will be made during each Pack Meeting.

Each Den has a form in at the sign in table.  Scouts, please stop at the table on the way in to record your name on your Den's sheet.  Announcement of the winning Den will be made during each Pack Meeting.  The Den that wins Cubby gets the goodies that go with him.  Then, they take him along to their meetings or outings.  

The objective is to "add" something significant to Cubby.  The Den should refill Cubby with some goodies, then bring him to the next Pack Meeting.  The Den should report on Cubby's activities during the month during Advancement Recognition time.

Some pictures of Cubby:

Cubby and his belongings  

Cubby at the Harlem Globetrotters

Cubby.jpg (118366 bytes)  

Cubby_Globetrotters.jpg (216258 bytes)