Flag Destruction Ceremonies
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VA Cemetery Flag Ceremony 2002
Flag Destruction Ceremonies
Summer Camp 2002
Little Miami Rover Canoe Trip
Bike Rally and Picnic

Flag Destruction Ceremonies on Tap

This educational activity demonstrates the proper procedure for destruction of used American flags.  The ceremony lasts approximately one-hour.

Buckeye Trails Girl Scouts

The first opportunity is hosted by the Buckeye Trails Girl Scouts.  They are holding their Flag Destruction Ceremony at Angel’s Pass Park on Friday, May 31. The park is located off Factory Road just North of US-35.  Some may recall this park is where we started our Bike Trip to Xenia last summer.  The event begins at dusk.

Boy Scout Troop 71

A second opportunity to view a flag destruction ceremony is hosted by Troop 71 of Aley Church.  Aley United Methodist Church is located at 4143 Kemp Road (1/4 mile west of Grange Hall Road; east of I-675 overpass).  The event is Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00 PM.  The rain date is Tuesday, June 18.