2002 Pinewood Derby in JanuaryScouts should have received their Pinewood Derby Car kits from their Den Leader at when the popcorn was delivered or by the December Pack Meeting. Scouts race by ranks two at a time. Each group of two scouts races two heats. Each heat is run on a different lane of the track. If each scout wins once, then margin of win is the tiebreaker. The Derby will be held during the Pack Meeting on Sunday, January 20 at 2PM. Mandatory Car weigh-in/check-in will be held Saturday, January 19 from 1 - 3 PM. Car construction instructions are in the kits. Note that the wheels cannot be altered (i.e. shaved thinner) in any manner. Additional add-ons such as weights, decals, and lubricants can be obtained form the Scout store. The closest store is located of Needmore Road, West of I-75. Northcutt Place is a left turn between North Dixie and Feedwire when heading west on Needmore. You will pass a shopping Plaza on the left (Kroger, Burger King, etc.) and a Mark Pi's China Gate on the Right. If memory serves, the shop is closed on Monday. Miami Valley Council Boy Scouts of America If you are Internet active or know someone who is, then you can find hints/ideas for building a fast or novelty cars on the World Wide Web at: http://www.worldforchrist.org/races/cars/