| Parvuli Dei Awards Still Available!A schedule conflict with holy day led to the cancellation of the Parvuli Day Retreat. However, this does not mean the award is not available. The Catholic Church gives the Parvuli Dei (Children of God) Emblem in special recognition to a third grade or older scout (Cub or Webelos) for advancement in religious knowledge and spiritual growth. Reminder: Completed and signed books must be given to Doug Sabo by Thursday, December 27 to receive the emblem this year. The books must be signed by the scout, his parent, the Den Leader (or Cubmaster), and Father Bill. Doug Sabo will coordinate obtaining other signatures in batch mode. The highlight accomplishment is the presentation of the awards by Archbishop Daniel E. Pilarczyk awards at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral in Cincinnati on Sunday, January 13 at 2 PM. |